At the initial meeting, please bring the documents listed below. These are mandatory attachments for almost all grant submissions:
Other necessary documents that may be required include:
At the initial meeting, please bring the documents listed below. These are mandatory attachments for almost all grant submissions:
- Current general organizational budget, approved by the board
- Current budgets for each program
- Mission, organizational descriptions, background/history, individual program descriptions
- Current year to date and prior year Profit and Loss statements
- Most recent audit report
- Qualifications of Key Staff
- List of your board membership with titles, affiliations, city or county of residence, and term end date, short bios
- 501(c)(3) certification, or fiscal sponsorship letter
- Most recent IRS Form 990
Other necessary documents that may be required include:
- Logic model for program/organizational outputs/outcomes
- Strategic Plan
- Annual Report
- Evaluation Results
- 3-year funding history from individuals, corporations, and foundations
- Anti-discrimination Statement adopted by the board of directors
- List of partner organizations, community collaborations, and endorsements
- Pictures