Check Out My Sis, Friend, Former Classmate, and Colleague's Basket Weaving Classes this Spring!2/20/2016 Join Stephanie Wood, a member of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon, for our Science Saturday program. She will teach the young children in your life to use tule grass and bark from the cedar tree to make duck decoys, roses, and cords. This program is for grades K-5.
WildCraft Studio: March 12th 2016, 10-4pm. Basket weaving with cedar May 1st 2016, 10-3pm. Cedar gathering June 18th, 10-4pm. Spruce root and cedar root gathering. July 9th 2016, 10-3pm. Coast sedge sweetgrass gathering. RSVP to:[email protected] 509-310-3344 WildCraft Studio School 27 Bates Rd, White Salmon, WA 98672 ReWild Portland classes: May 21-22nd 2016, 11-4pm. Cedar weaving. Located Portland. RSVP to ReWild Portland: 503-863-8462 Rewild Portland PO Box 6582 Portland OR 97228 I hope 2015 has been good to you and that 2016 is even better! Hayu Masi, Stephanie Wood
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FWEC is excited to be collaborating with two amazing southern Oregon organizations starting on October 1st. I actually started my grant writing back in 2002 with the Sugarloaf Community Assocaition, so this feels like a completion of a synchronistic circle! Building and renovation projects will include: driveway, bathroom, classrooms, irrigation system, fencing, permaculture plan, community center, solar power system, pond, and audio/visual systems. New to FWEC is the Woodlands Charter School in Murphy, OR. The mission of the school is "to kindle a life-long love of learning by providing a developmentally appropriate, arts-integrated curriculum which engages the whole child: head, heart, and hands. Rich academics interwoven with human and nature studies foster a sense of belonging within the human community and a reverence for the beauty of the natural world. Our school will thrive with on-going family involvement and inspire the support of the greater community. Our nurturing learning environment will awaken each child’s thinking, creativity, and emotional sensibility." We will seeking funding for projects similar to the SCA's priorities. Welcome to both organizations! I will be the Instructor for this training in May or June! Keep checking back for date and location.2/24/2015 Training Opportunity Announcement We are pleased to announce our workshop The Essentials of Foundation Funding. Foundation Grant writing is a both an art and skill (and some luck). This two day workshops will acquaint participants with the necessary steps in successful grant writing to private and public foundations and trusts. Topics covered include:
Time and location to be announced soon! The Community Center for the Performing Arts in the historic Woodmen of the World (WOW) Hall sits at the West end of downtown Eugene, a pink but low-slung 1932 Art Deco building that once served as a venue for dances and gatherings of its era.
In restoring the historic building and reviving it as an arts center, WOW Hall had received grants from the Lane County Cultural Coalition and Oregon Arts Commission, as well as the Kinsman Foundation and other prestigious groups. But FY14 marked the first time the intersecting arts and heritage organization received a Cultural Trust Development grant award. “There are organizations that have applied for Cultural Development grants multiple times, and it takes a few attempts to get their proposal just right,” said Trust Manager Kimberly Howard. “You're rooting for them and it becomes a happy occasion when they make it.” Such was the case with WOW Hall. As an Arts Commission and cultural coalition grantee, the group was familiar to the Trust. “(WOW Hall grant writer) John Pincus was like a celebrity in our office. He called frequently during the spring of 2013 – he was taking the application process very seriously,” said Trust Donor Relations Coordinator, Raissa Fleming. “When their grant application came in, 11 minutes ahead of deadline, we all cheered.” Cultural Development grants are awarded by panels of independent subject matter experts, and "the WOW Hall application was determined by the Heritage Panel to be a well-written application for a project that showed great merit," said Howard. Staff had the opportunity to tour WOW Hall in April, two weeks in advance of National Heritage Month (May), and they were charmed and enchanted. The building acts as a performing and visual arts center, with notable Oregon bands playing in an intimate downstairs coffee house; various dance classes, community theatre and musical performances in the main hall, and monthly exhibits by local artists. Murals adorn the outside walls and landscaping brings cheer to other-abled patrons using the ADA ramp at the side of the building. Doors, gates, archways and most fixtures have been lovingly restored to their former glory. The Cultural Development grant helped WOW Hall restore the curved wooden built-in benches lining the main hall. Joining the tour, painting contractor Ron Saylor mentioned that his business has flourished with the restoration. “This was a big job for us,” he said. Saylor has also done work on the new Oregon Contemporary Theatre building a few blocks away and is gaining a reputation in the cultural community for his diligence and diversity of skill. “It's an important example of how heritage and the arts fuel the Oregon economy,” said Howard. “The money granted by the Cultural Trust stays in Oregon and helps local businesses grow – whether that be the arts venue itself, or the restaurant, hotel, retail shop down the street, the print shop who prints playbills, or the contractor and subcontractors who remodel and restore the buildings.” Meanwhile, WOW Hall plans to recreate the original streetlamps around the center, leading to more work for Lane County lighting, electrical and historic preservation contractors, enhancing the downtown experience and giving the community an ever more vital center for the arts. - See more at: Please join us on February 5th at the NEDCO Hatch Program building in Springfield. This will be a great opportunity to:
- Learn about upcoming events and programs in 2015, including our new art curating program! - Find out more about our upgraded membership program. - Connect with other local artists and find out how to get involved in all the fun activities at ESAP. - Meet the new ESAP board members and hear about the great ideas and skills they bring to ESAP. - Give us your feedback and tell us ideas you have that support the ESAP mission. To learn more about the Eugene Springfield Art Project visit our facebook page or website at We look forward to seeing you there! |
Author: Ahavah OblakMother, Jewish, Nonprofit Advocate, educator, grant writer, curriculum developer, dual US/Israel citizen, friend, dancer, lover of life. Categories
March 2021