Starting June 2020, I will start working for Forest Bridges as their Development Consultant & Grant Writer.
The organization's mission is dedicated to "Bringing people together to embrace sustainable forest habitat management solutions for Oregon’s 2 plus million acres of O&C forest lands." Visit for more information.
I am pleased to be joining The Falmouth Institute as an Adjunct Faculty Member. "In 1985, Falmouth Institute was founded to provide quality and comprehensive education and information services to the North American Indian community. Since then, we have dedicated our organizational strength toward assisting our clients in addressing the challenges posed by self-governance issues and policies developed by government agencies entrusted to assist Indian tribes. We are proud to have worked with nearly all of the Indian nations in the United States, meeting their complex, ever-changing educational needs and assisting them in refining or restructuring their organizations." I will be working with Tribal professionals involved in their "Tribal Grant Writing Certification" program, teaching about non-federal grant writing (public and private foundations). I am thrilled to be part of the team! ![]() GENERAL QUESTIONS Organization’s mission and primary activities: Organization’s accomplishments/awards: Organization’s historical/institutional memory: Number of paid employees: Number of FTE (full time equivalent): Fringe benefit costs: Number of volunteers: Volunteers (# of people and hours) per year/month/week: Number of board members: Number of board members who contribute to annual budget: Number of board meetings per year: Breakdown of organization revenue for the last year: Memberships : Individual Contributions: Earned Income (Ticket sales, fees for service, etc.): Fundraising benefits: Corporate/business contributions: Government support: Foundation support: Endowment earnings: Other: Organization's unrestricted cash reserves at beginning of current year: What is your administrative overhead? Indirect costs? %? Do you receive funding from the government? United Way? How much? List of five single largest contributors from last year’s revenue sources: PROJECT QUESTIONS Project contact person's information: Project description (one sentence): Key project components: How many persons will benefit directly from the project? What specific group(s)---youth, elderly, homeless, disabled, immigrant, LGBT…….? Is the project for which you are requesting funds intended to benefit the general public, or is it intended to reach a specific population group? Total project budget: Total amount requested: Is this a multi-year request? Not all grant programs accept multi-year requests. Please list all proposed sources of funding. You may include the value of in-kind support. Please indicate whether or not the funding has been secured. Please list all budgeted expenditures. Project expenses listed here should correlate to project activities. Please describe how funds would be allocated for the project. Tell us about your organization. What are your mission and track record? Highlight two or three key facts and accomplishments that best define your organization. What need does your project address? What critical community problem needs to be addressed or what organizational capacity are you hoping to build? What do you propose to do about this need? What is your plan for addressing this need? What are your goals? Please be concrete. How will you do it? When and with whom? What are the specific activities to be supported? How long will they take? If your project involves partnerships with other organizations, have the proposed partners agreed to participate? Who is responsible for your project? Briefly describe your project leaders and the role that each will play in the project. How do these leaders reflect the population or community that you serve? How will you measure results? What will success look like? How will you measure or document project success or impact? Please outline your evaluation plan. What is your plan for securing the balance of the project budget? What is your fundraising timeline? If other potential resources cannot provide all of the support requested, what will you do? How will you sustain the proposed activities or build on what you achieved? Please describe your plan for securing the financial, human and in-kind resources needed to sustain or build on project achievements. I saw an add for a grant writer the other day and some of the skills required included the following:
![]() FWEC is excited to be collaborating with two amazing southern Oregon organizations starting on October 1st. I actually started my grant writing back in 2002 with the Sugarloaf Community Assocaition, so this feels like a completion of a synchronistic circle! Building and renovation projects will include: driveway, bathroom, classrooms, irrigation system, fencing, permaculture plan, community center, solar power system, pond, and audio/visual systems. ![]() New to FWEC is the Woodlands Charter School in Murphy, OR. The mission of the school is "to kindle a life-long love of learning by providing a developmentally appropriate, arts-integrated curriculum which engages the whole child: head, heart, and hands. Rich academics interwoven with human and nature studies foster a sense of belonging within the human community and a reverence for the beauty of the natural world. Our school will thrive with on-going family involvement and inspire the support of the greater community. Our nurturing learning environment will awaken each child’s thinking, creativity, and emotional sensibility." We will seeking funding for projects similar to the SCA's priorities. Welcome to both organizations! I will be the Instructor for this training in May or June! Keep checking back for date and location.2/24/2015 ![]() Training Opportunity Announcement We are pleased to announce our workshop The Essentials of Foundation Funding. Foundation Grant writing is a both an art and skill (and some luck). This two day workshops will acquaint participants with the necessary steps in successful grant writing to private and public foundations and trusts. Topics covered include:
Time and location to be announced soon! |
Author: Ahavah OblakMother, Jewish, Nonprofit Advocate, educator, grant writer, curriculum developer, dual US/Israel citizen, friend, dancer, lover of life. Categories
March 2021