![]() I am so please to joining the amazing team at InStove. InStove implements safe, clean, and highly efficient institutional cookstoves and allied technologies in an integrated approach to serving the world’s poorest communities. InStove technologies are now in service in 23 countries around the world, including 15 countries in Africa. Institutional Stove Solutions—InStove—is a 501(c)(3) non-profit humanitarian organization founded in 2012. We are dedicated to relieving suffering, improving health, and reducing harm to the environment through renewable energy technology and education. Three stone fire and other inefficient cooking methods – used by almost half of the world’s people every day – cause serious problems for human health and the environment:
![]() I am very excited to be joining an amazing organization here in Eugene, OR called WellMama as the new, part-time executive director. About half of my time will be dedicated to grant writing. WellMama’s Mission, Vision, and Core Values: WellMama Maternal Mental Health and Support Services is a comprehensive nonprofit providing pregnancy and postpartum mental health support services to women and their families in Eugene and Springfield, Oregon. We support families struggling with emotions related to reproductive health issues, including pregnancy, the first few years postpartum, adoption, infertility, and perinatal loss. Our Mission: WellMama provides support, information, advocacy, and access to appropriate treatment to women who may be suffering from perinatal mood or anxiety disorders as well as mental health conditions related to all reproductive health events. WellMama is dedicated to raising community awareness of perinatal mental health by providing education on prevention, universal screening, and appropriate treatment and resources to women and the professionals who serve them. Our Objectives: WellMama volunteers provide accurate information and confidential, nonjudgemental support to women, their families, and support people through our free warm-line, email support, and group support services. WellMama provides education, consultation, and training to the professional community on the most recent research on prevention, screening, diagnosis, and treatment of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders. Our Values:
![]() FWEC is excited to be collaborating with two amazing southern Oregon organizations starting on October 1st. I actually started my grant writing back in 2002 with the Sugarloaf Community Assocaition, so this feels like a completion of a synchronistic circle! Building and renovation projects will include: driveway, bathroom, classrooms, irrigation system, fencing, permaculture plan, community center, solar power system, pond, and audio/visual systems. ![]() New to FWEC is the Woodlands Charter School in Murphy, OR. The mission of the school is "to kindle a life-long love of learning by providing a developmentally appropriate, arts-integrated curriculum which engages the whole child: head, heart, and hands. Rich academics interwoven with human and nature studies foster a sense of belonging within the human community and a reverence for the beauty of the natural world. Our school will thrive with on-going family involvement and inspire the support of the greater community. Our nurturing learning environment will awaken each child’s thinking, creativity, and emotional sensibility." We will seeking funding for projects similar to the SCA's priorities. Welcome to both organizations! I will be the Instructor for this training in May or June! Keep checking back for date and location.2/24/2015 ![]() http://www.graysagegroup.org/grant-development-training.html Training Opportunity Announcement We are pleased to announce our workshop The Essentials of Foundation Funding. Foundation Grant writing is a both an art and skill (and some luck). This two day workshops will acquaint participants with the necessary steps in successful grant writing to private and public foundations and trusts. Topics covered include:
Time and location to be announced soon! Please join us on February 5th at the NEDCO Hatch Program building in Springfield. This will be a great opportunity to:
- Learn about upcoming events and programs in 2015, including our new art curating program! - Find out more about our upgraded membership program. - Connect with other local artists and find out how to get involved in all the fun activities at ESAP. - Meet the new ESAP board members and hear about the great ideas and skills they bring to ESAP. - Give us your feedback and tell us ideas you have that support the ESAP mission. To learn more about the Eugene Springfield Art Project visit our facebook page or website at www.eugenespringfieldartproject.org We look forward to seeing you there! Over the next year, these communities will use their grant funds to organize themselves for five-year Community-Based Partnerships. Of the 25 Organizing Grant Communities, up to 10 will be selected for Community-Based Partnerships beginning in 2016. These partners will join NWHF in transforming institutions, programs and policies to deliver better outcomes in early life, equity and community health.
We look forward to working with all of the Organizing Grant Communities, who hope to impact everything from African maternal and child health, to families impacted by or at risk for family violence and sexual abuse, to rural Latino communities, and much more. With the support of our partners, Healthy Beginnings+Healthy Communities will help communities improve health, from birth to high school, by 2020. http://www.northwesthealth.org/news/archive/2015/1/8/announcing-healthy-beginningshealthy-communities-organizing-grant-communities Check out the link below for an excellent opportunity for local consultants!
http://grantmatrix.com/node/121 ![]() More than 900 million people around the world – including many in our community – are hungry. Fighting hunger and malnutrition is very important to me! So ... I'm doing something about it. I am walking in the Eugene/Springfield CROP Hunger Walk – and I need your help. CROP Hunger Walks help provide food, water and other resources that empower people to meet their own needs. You can make a BIG difference. Please visit my online personal web page (see link below), where you can make a secure donation. Your gift can help save someone's life! Thank you! Ahavah http://hunger.cwsglobal.org/site/TR/CropWalks/General;jsessionid=7B90C2D5CA79F7798E57C318A1528E54.app223a?px=1869346&pg=personal&fr_id=19724 I have found that investing in myself in the realm of education and learning, has one of the greatest paybacks for me, my family, friends, and community. So it is with great excitement that I have decided to pursue the Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management at U of O this fall. I am finding myself more and more drawn to the nonprofit world and feel that this certificate will shore up and strengthen my skill-set. I am psyched to go back to school (yet again)! http://pppm.uoregon.edu/grad/nonprofit
Author: Ahavah OblakMother, Jewish, Nonprofit Advocate, educator, grant writer, curriculum developer, dual US/Israel citizen, friend, dancer, lover of life. Categories
March 2021